Matthew Cassady, Executive Director & Endorser
In Bible college he felt God’s calling to military chaplaincy. He began military life as a Naval Chaplain Candidate. When he finally stopped resisting Active Duty, he joined the Army and life got busy at Fort Bragg (now Fort Liberty). Within his first three years he deployed to Afghanistan twice, experienced a bit of close combat which earned him an 82nd Airborne combat patch, a Combat Action Badge, and a Purple Heart. Like many, he spent about fifteen months at home during those first thirty-six months.
From there, Matt went on to some great assignments, great ministry, in amazing locations. He served in Seoul, Republic of Korea; Monterey, California; Columbia, South Carolina; San Antonio, Texas; and Colorado Springs, Colorado where he medically retired. He received awards at the regular intervals and appropriate enough level of merit and recognition.
Matt and family moved to Albuquerque with no job prospects but knowing that was the right destination. Within three months of retiring, He was working a forty-hour week at a global non-profit called Faith Comes By Hearing. (Imagine any church you have ever been, there are a handful of incredibly kind and caring folks that exude the love and compassion of Jesus. The entire ministry was like that).

Matt was hired into the VA National Chaplain Service in January of 2021. A few months after settling in the D.C. metro area for work at VA Central Office, he felt the Holy Spirit speaking transition, again – and reminded him of a long conversation he had with his then Endorser, Jim Ammerman. Many sacred moments listening and obeying the leading of the Holy Spirit has joined him to the incredible team at CFGC HQ in Texas!
He and his amazing bride (he definitely married up) have six wonderful children. Each child is unique and independent and loves Jesus! Matt continues to be amazed at his life thus far and is reminded to say yes to God, especially when it is hard, not ideal timing, or makes little sense in the natural realm.